
New Patient Onboarding

Welcome to our office! We are excited to help you on your journey in returning to your healthy and active lifestyle! For your convenience, we are now allowing patients to submit their information prior to their visit. By filling out the form below, your information will be sent to our office, preventing the need for filling out paperwork on the day of your appointment.

Demographic Information

Please enter your first name.
Please enter your middle name.
Please enter your last name.
Please provide your date of birth.
Please indicate your marital status.
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Please choose your gender.
Looks good!
Please choose your race.
Looks good!
Please choose your ethnicity.
Looks good!
Please indicate your employment status.
Looks good!
If retired, please indicate prior occupation
Please enter your occupation.
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Contact Information

May we leave a voicemail?*
May we leave a voicemail?
Please enter your mailing address.
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Please enter your city.
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Please select your state.
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Please enter your zip code.
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Emergency Contact

Please enter your emergency contact's first name.
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Please enter your emergency contact's last name.
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Please enter your relationship with your emergency contact.
Looks good!

Insurance Information

Will you (the patient) be responsible for the bill?*

Do you have healthcare insurance?*

Past Medical History

If none, type "none"
Please enter the name of your primary care provider.
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If none, type "none"
Please enter preferred pharmacy.
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Please check the box next to any condition which you currently have or have had in the past.

Surgical History

Have You Ever Had Surgery?*


Do You Take Any Medications?*


Do you have any allergies?*

Family History

Please list any family members who have or had the following conditions.

Social History

Why do we ask this?
Please choose your hand dominance.
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Please indicate your exercise level.
Looks good!
Why do we ask this?
Please indicate your living arrangements.
Looks good!
Why do we ask this?
Please indicate your home type.
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Please indicate your caffeine use.
Looks good!
Please indicate your alcohol use.
Looks good!
Please indicate your recreational drug use.
Looks good!
Please indicate tobacco use.
Looks good!

Learning Barriers

Do You Have Any of the Following Barriers to Learning?

Learning Style

What are your preferred learning styles?

Reason For Your Visit

Please indicate the location of your symptoms.
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Please indicate which side of the body you are experiencing symptoms.
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Please indicate your primary concern.
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Please indicate how long you have been experiencing symptoms.
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Please indicate what you believe to be the cause of your symptoms.
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Please explain your symptoms and or injury.
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Please indicate the severity of your pain.
Looks good!
Please indicate if your pain wakes you from sleep.
Looks good!
Please indicate the timing of your symptoms.
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Please indicate if your pain radiates.
Looks good!

What makes your symptoms worse?

What makes you feel better?

Associated Symptoms:

Symptom Characteristics:

Past Treatments
